What is java??
What is java?? Java is a programming language used by millions of devices across the globe.The java was initially named "Oak",then changed it to java. Developed by james gosling of sun microsystems in 1991 and now owned by Oracle inc. Java features in brief: General purpose,high level programming language. Pure object oriented programming language(We cannot make a java program without creating class,the name of the source file must be same as the class name) Platform independent Robust Both Compiled and interpreted. Supports all Oops features like inheritance,polymorphism,encapsulation,data abstraction and hiding,message passing. Automatic garbage collection Has a virtual machine called Java Virtual Machine(JVM),that has ability to interpret java byte code and execute at the runtime. What java can do?? With java you can make strong computer applications,web-sites with an ease. You can make online games,interactive websites,create chat application...