Four building blocks of Object oriented programming language
Four building blocks of Object oriented programming language Java is an object oriented programming language just like C++,small talk and python. An OOP language follows four basic rules: *Inheritance *Encapsulation *Polymorphism *Abstraction *Inheritance: The ability of a language to reuse previously written code and add further functionalities to the previously written code. How we use it in Java: BY EXTENDING CLASSES. Each child class inherits the functions and member variables from the parent class without even writing the whole code. *Encapsulation: The ability of a language to hide the important and private data and encapsulate into an single unit called "CLASS". How we use it in Java: By creating classes the data wrapped inside it and can only be accessed using the object(unless it is static data). *Polymorphism: The ability of a language to create a method with same name but multiple arguments each method do different work on different ...